
Veterans Affairs [Budget 2017]

In March I got a contract with Veterans Affairs Canada, thanks to Thinking Big. 

I would like to take this occasion to thank Devin and Paul who hired and trusted me for this big project. 

I had an amazing time and everything just worked out well. The project was a total success, but besides that, I worked with amazing people like Amanda Brazeau, Amy Meunier, Pam Harrison, Dean MacDonald, Karly Thomsen and many others. 

I was basically hired to help the design team and my job involved the following:

● Design high-quality infographics, infobytes, and other related web design
communication products using Adobe Creative Suite C5 6 or higher for Budget 2017
● Analysis relating to programs and policy and creative approach
● Promote best practices and internal standards for web graphic design products
● Provide advice and mentoring techniques as required
● Provide info and updates on planning and development of web graphic design
●  Create templates for Power Point presentations

I attached a few graphics we created for Budget 2017 campaign

Social Media Banners and Infobytes